When it comes to food in Abuja, there are four main options: Continental, African, Chinese, and Indian.
Continental, aka food for foreigners, is surprisingly easy to find outside of the Hilton. Most grocery stores sell numerous western brands. So far, I have seen Uncle Ben’s Rice, Corn Flakes, Oreos, and Twix to name a few. Additionally, restaurants feature many options from hamburgers and fries to pizza and pasta. While continental foods are easy to come by, you will not find any western fast food. That is, fine establishments such as McDonalds, KFC, and Pizza Hut have yet to début in Abjua. Never fear though, one can still get fast food at the Chicken Republic, the largest growing chicken franchise in West Africa.
African is served in a variety of venues. If you are brave (or just polite to your client) there is street food. General consensus of the team is that the random chickens and hens that roam the streets will end up on someone’s plate…just a matter of time. However, there are also a variety of pepper soups, yam concoctions, and rice dishes served. If not eating street fare, there are numerous ‘African Kitchens’ which sell a assortment of African specialties, including an array of grilled and fried meats (lamb, goat, beef, chicken, bush and organ meat) served with a variety of sauces, rice dishes, soups and vegetables. Most dishes are very spicy, even by Indian, Thai, and Mexican spice indexes.
Chinese is a very popular cuisine in the city. However, the team has determined that Chinese food in Abuja is not the same as Chinese food served in the States, India, or China. While the menu items are both tasty and familiar to all, the preparation is vastly different. I questioned my client on whether the cooks were Chinese or Nigerian. She said she couldn’t say with certainty, but most Chinese in Nigeria work in the construction industry vice the food industry. One thing is for sure, Chinese portions are large no matter the county.
Indian food in prevalent and mighty tasty in Abuja. It has proven to be a staple for the team, being that Spicy Food Restaurant is by far the best resultant in walking distance. Unfortunately for us, Spicy Food is closed on Mondays. Indian food is one of the few cuisines that have truly vegetarian options and numerous choices to boot. Even the team members from India give the food two thumbs up.
Our team travels in groups, often as a whole (yes all 13 of us). As such, meals have been great opportunities to explore the local flavors, share our native cuisines, and learn about traditions from our various motherlands. Therefore, when eating Nigeria, keep your fork handy for Continental and African cuisines, put your chopsticks together for Chinese, and feel free to use your fingers when eating with naan with curry.
#IBMCSC Nigeria