Monday, 4 July 2011

Guara Falls—The Great Falls of Nigeria

In between Minna and Abuja, there is a State Park called Guara Falls.  On the way back from Niger State, the team took a detour from the highway to check them out.  We were pleasantly surprised to see a newly paved road--much nicer than the highway I might add, but a little discouraged when a group of men under an umbrella approached our van and asked for 500 Naira each to enter.  As we did not know what to expect or if it was customary to pay such fees, we were a bit skeptical.  However, we reasoned that we pay to enter parks and attractions at home, why should it be any different in Nigeria?  After paying the fee, one of the men hopped in our van, apparently our tour guide.

We continued down the newly paved road and parked when it ended.  There was a nice pavilion where you could have picnic and a paved path to view the falls.  The view was worth the 500 Naira.  The State did a nice job of creating a great overlook whereby visitors could take pictures.  I took a couple of snap shots and then headed back towards the pavilion.  That is when our guide told us that he was there to lead us down to the bottom of the falls.  We took him up on his offer and headed down the path.


There were stone stairs leading down to the river bed.  Once we descended, we climbed on large rocks so that we could get a good view of the falls.  The best way I can describe the hike and the landscape, is to compare it to the Billy Goat Trail in Great Falls.  From the bottom, the falls were quite impressive.  After taking in the scenery and relaxing for a bit, we hiked back to the top and headed back.

Guara Falls could definitely be a tourist attraction for those who visit Abuja.  Just make sure to pack a lunch and be careful not to drink too much water…as there are no restrooms

#IBMCSC Nigeria

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